Asa Bishop Thompson, 8 lbs 3 oz, born June 22, 2006 at 11:57 a.m.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Asa's first 4th of July

Asa was 12 days old on July 4. We took him to his first parade which is just a few blocks from our house.

Asa was decked out in his 4th of July outfit:

Here is Matt with Ace during the parade. It was very noisy; horns honking, sirens going off everyone yelling, and you can see below how this affected little Ace.

He was out cold for the entire parade!

It was pretty exciting and exhausting; here are Asa and daddy just a few hours later:


Blogger NIKKI said...

AWWW sweet pic with Daddy!!

Mine used to sleep all the time when it was loud. Go to restaurants movies etc... while they love the loud won't stay that way forever!!

5:18 PM


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