Socks are funny!
Asa Bishop Thompson, 8 lbs 3 oz, born June 22, 2006 at 11:57 a.m.
Asa and I visit the park by our house several times a week. He loves the swing, but even more, he loves watching the other kids play. He was locked on to a little boy that kept going down the slide next to the baby swings...
Rock Chalk Jayhawk! Asa is cheering on our favorite to win the 2007 NCAA championship...the University of Kansas. Our neighbor Camille made sure he was appropriately outfitted for the game. Thanks Millie!
Asa's newest trick is to pull Barkley and Hatcher's ears and laugh. Hatcher sleeps through it, but Barkley always looks to me for help and an eventual rescue.
We went to Louisiana to see my sister Erin, who is due with her second child in July, and her husband Kevin and daughter Kayla. Erin let us all crowd in the room for her sonogram, and we're happy to's a girl!! Here is Auntie Erin getting some practice in before the big day! (side note: Asa has been taking a bottle since January.)
Here is Asa lauging at his silly cousin Kayla. Here are Asa and Kayla playing.
In February we got a surprise visit from my best friend Beth from high school. Her flight home to NYC from skiing was delayed due to bad weather, so she spent the night with us and met Asa for the first time...
Looks like Asa will skip the crawling thing altogether. He hates being on his stomach, knees or hands. (He can do all three, but whimpers the whole time and won't try to move.) Here he is up on his feet at our friends' Paul and Amy's house in San Antonio.
After a long hiatus, we are finally back and posting! Thanks to all of Asa's friends and family members who sent "nice reminder emials" to us. :) We have just been SO busy, but we should be back on track with few interruptions in the future. I guess the best thing to do is start where we left off, which I think was in January. Here is Asa in his winter clothes playing with his favorite blocks that Santa brought....